Please inform us any experience problems you have with our goods, and we will do our best to solve the problem, we hope that you always be happy with your purchase and hope that our products bring many generations of beauty.

If you are not satisfied with an item or if it damaged in system, please contact us by e-mail immediately with detail picture of the broken item. Dependant on the fault, we will either send replacement in your next container or put special discount if the breakage is repairable.


  1. Claims are allowed up to 1 ( one ) week from date of arrival at the port of destination.
  2. elay in claim submission will be reviewed on case by case basis.
  3. The purchase guarantee applies to claims against our product shipped to you with the following conditions:
  4. The claims is not connected to purchasing and shipment data.
  5. The claims is late as per item 1 and 2 above.
  6. No photograph and/or digital image is supplied.
  7. No explanatory data is provided with the image to clearly explain the problem.
  8. All claims will be substantiated by photographs or digital images clearly showing the claim filed as per our purchasing guarantee. Verbal explanations need to accompany by submitted image for clarification. Photos or images may be sent by post or by email.
  9. Claims for problems are failure of non wood components to be substantiated by photographs or image in same manner as for wood claims.
  10. All claims will be processed within one week of receipt with a decision on claim given within 10 days of receipt.
  11. Any claim may be rejected if :
    • Wood failure resulting in the inability of the goods to be used, even after competent repair.
    • Wood joints and/or connections are broken.
    • Non wood hardware is missing or broken.on wood hardware is rusty.

Our guarantee is for replacement of goods or cash credit against future orders and does not include any other cost such as freight, re stocking or other charges.